Getting the App
1. Register
students on this website
2. Download the app
from Apple's app store
3. Log in
with username + password
4. Watch Video #1
with your students
5. Watch Video #2
with your students
6. Bring the app to class
use it during 3/2/1


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Frequently Asked Questions

The mobile application is designed to develop and track second language spoken fluency, the speed and ease of speech, both in and outside of the classroom.

Spoken fluency can be delineated through three key components: breakdown, speed, and repair. Breakdowns manifest as pauses or gaps between expressions, speed encapsulates the pace at which speech is delivered, and repair pertains to the self-corrections. The app currently measures untrimmed speech rate (syllables per minute) which includes all three key components. The app also helps train listeners to describe the spoken fluency performance with questions that address all three components.

The 3/2/1 activity is crafted to facilitate the automatic integration of formulaic expressions among students. The underlying theory posits that output repetition within a context rich in meaning enables students to effortlessly retrieve lexico-grammatical elements.

Maybe Josh should be the one to explain this.

Maybe Josh should be the one to explain this.

If you have any additional questions, please email us contact[at]